Five Creative Outdoor Lighting Options
Outdoor hosting is all the rage these days and it can be really fun! However, if you want to host a party in the evening/night, you’ll need a good amount of lighting. Here are five creative ways homeowners are lighting their outdoor spaces (and subsequently throwing awesome parties!)
String Lighting
String lighting isn’t just for the holidays! It can be used year round as an inexpensive and decorative way to light your outdoor space. Take a look below, as the string lighting perfectly blends in with the trees and the rest of the patio.
Halloween isn’t the only reason to hang lanterns. They can provide useful outdoor lighting with minimal setup and the don’t take up much space. Whether you install them high or simply place them low, they’ll be helpful in throwing light all around your outdoor space.
LED Lighting
Light from below! LED lighting is becoming more and more popular among homeowners, and it can be used both indoors and outdoors. In the example below, it’s placed in the garden bed, pointing up so it reflect off the walls.
Lamp Posts
It might seem old fashioned, but lamp posts can add somewhat of an stylish touch to your outdoor space. Good for the front or backyard, lamp posts offer extremely good lighting, meaning you won’t need more than a couple to get the desired effect.
Fire Pit
If you’re looking for a solution that doesn’t require electricity, a fire pit is a great addition to many types of backyards. It’s a great place to sit around on cool, windy nights, and can be the centerpiece of your outdoor space.